
Date statements

Date format

Date are using the YYYYMMDD format with Y = year, M = Month, D = Day

Example :
this will match element with date 07 july 2019 and forward them to

    <category term='filter'></category>
    <title>Mail Filter</title>
    <apps:property name='date' value='20190707' type="end"/>
    <apps:property name='forwardTo' value=''/>

after/newer operator

Operator that will match date that are after a fixed date

Example :
this will match element with date after the 07 july 2019 and forward them to

    <category term='filter'></category>
    <title>Mail Filter</title>
    <apps:property name='date' value='after:20190707' type="end"/>
    <apps:property name='forwardTo' value=''/>

before/older operator

Operator that will match date that are before a fixed date

Example :
this will match element with a date before the 07 july 2019 and forward them to

    <category term='filter'></category>
    <title>Mail Filter</title>
    <apps:property name='date' value='before:20190707' type="end"/>
    <apps:property name='forwardTo' value=''/>